

JSU在线 |澳门皇冠体育 > 国家远程教育授权


澳门皇冠体育 participates in the 国家授权 Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), which is a voluntary agreement among its member states and U.S. territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance-education courses and programs. As a member of the National Council for 国家授权, 澳门皇冠体育 is authorized to provide online programs and courses to students who reside in a state other than 密西西比州.  It is intended to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state.


专业 licensure/certification requirements vary from state to state, which may affect a student’s ability to apply for a professional license/certification upon the completion of the program. 美国.S. 教育部法规, 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v), requires an institution to disclose whether the program will fulfill educational requirements for licensure or certification for each state.  学生 who reside in a state other than 密西西比州 must review the professional licensure disclosures pertaining to the academic program and consult with the state professional licensing board.

SARA approval does not extend to programs that lead to professional licensure. If you live outside the state of 密西西比州 and are considering a program that leads to licensure, contact the appropriate licensing board in your home state before applying to 澳门皇冠体育.  It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact the appropriate licensing board in his or her home state to confirm whether or not the 澳门皇冠体育 degree program will meet the state’s licensure requirements.


Distance Education Complaint Process for JSU’s Out-of-State 学生

学生 enrolled at 澳门皇冠体育 may register a concern or complaint about any academic regulation, 教学计划, 项目的交付, 的成绩获得, 学术指导制度, or any other matter related to academic affairs, without any adverse action for expressing the concern or filing the complaint. 我们会收到关注和投诉, 探索或调查, and responded to in a fair and timely fashion, though students should understand that the final response by the University might not always be the response they prefer. 的 学术申诉程序 are available on the JSU在线 website or the JSU学生手册.

If the student has exhausted all available internal grievance procedures established by JSU and remains unsatisfied, 他/她可以向法院提出投诉 密西西比州 Commission on College Accreditation 使用 MCCA学生投诉表格.

学生 may also file a complaint with the state/territory of residence in which you reside. Please click on your state below for information on filing a complaint.


阿拉巴马州 伊利诺斯州 蒙大拿 罗德岛州
阿拉斯加 印第安纳州 内布拉斯加州 南卡罗来纳
亚利桑那州 爱荷华州 内华达 南达科塔州
阿肯色州 堪萨斯 新汉普郡 田纳西州
加州 肯塔基州 新泽西 德州
科罗拉多州 路易斯安那州 新墨西哥 犹他州
康涅狄格 缅因州 纽约 佛蒙特州
特拉华州 马里兰 北卡罗莱纳 维吉尼亚州
哥伦比亚特区 麻萨诸塞州 北达科他 华盛顿
佛罗里达 密歇根 俄亥俄州 西维吉尼亚州
乔治亚州 明尼苏达州 俄克拉何马州 威斯康辛州
夏威夷 密西西比州 俄勒冈州 怀俄明
爱达荷州 密苏里州 宾西法尼亚  


JSU is an environment that inspires you to grow, learn, and reach beyond the ordinary. This is a “home away from home” where every student can find their place – academically, 社会, 和文化上.
One of the nation’s top historically black colleges and universities (HBCU), JSU provides a culture of self-discovery and shared experience where its students are able to develop strong sense of self in a challenging yet nurturing environment that empowers them for personal and professional success.



通过远程学习, traditional and nontraditional students have the opportunity to receive quality instruction without the limitations of geographical boundaries and space.

Join us for an excellent educational experience and work toward completing your degree and achieving your long-term career goals – All at your convenience in a virtual supportive learning space!







